Planned Giving
Through the years, friends and audience members have memorialized their support of Marlboro by including the School in their wills. Planned giving, bequests and gift annuities have been vital for building our endowment and ensuring that, for years to come, the dream of attending Marlboro can come true for wonderfully gifted young musicians. Bequests of $75,000 and more can create specific fellowship funds named for the donor (or the donor’s designee, such as a beloved family member or even a favorite musician).
Marlboro friends can also take advantage of gift annuities, which provide donors and their spouses with annual income (at attractive rates), tax advantages, and lasting recognition. By using current assets to make gifts, donors can reduce or eliminate certain types of taxation, provide for retirement, and simplify their affairs. Marlboro Music also welcomes donations of quality Steinway pianos for use throughout the campus. Our planned giving consultants would be pleased to speak with you, in confidence and with no obligation on your part, about how planned giving opportunities would specifically benefit you and Marlboro.
For more information on planned gifts or other giving opportunities, please contact:
Patricia Manley, Advancement Director
Tel: 215-569-4690
Email: [email protected]
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