Annual Fund
Marlboro’s young musicians are told to come “in order to learn, as no one is assured of performing.” After all, there are seven weeks of daily rehearsals with up to 80 groups active at any one time. It is this intense focus on learning—on making musical discoveries through collaboration, hard work, and unlimited rehearsal time—that makes this place so special and vital in developing new musical leaders.
The small percentage of these groups that perform on our five concert weekends enrich and inspire us all. Yet, revenue from ticket sales covers just 10% of our budget. Also, in our rural setting, which is ideal for in-depth musical collaborations, we do not have access to the type of local support that sustains our nation’s urban arts institutions.
Therefore, we rely on reserve fund income and Annual Fund gifts from individuals like you to sustain our musical program and community and to provide the $500,000 in fellowship support that our exceptional young musicians require. We ask that you please join us today with your tax-deductible support. Gifts of $650 and more are listed in our annual program book, yet donations in any amount are greatly needed and deeply appreciated.
Annual Fund Giving Categories
- Partner: $12,500 and above
- Guarantor: 7,500 to $12,499
- Sustainer: $5,000 to $7,499
- Benefactor: $3,000 to $4,999
- Fellow: $1,750 to $2,999
- Sponsor: $1,000 and $1,749
- Patron: $650 to $999
- Donor: $300 to $649
- Friend: $100 to $299
Give the Gift of Music
Please join us with your tax-deductible contribution. It is greatly needed and deeply appreciated.
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