
Jan Vogler, cello

I arrived in Vermont in July 1988, after spending four months communicating with the ministry of culture of East Germany and finally succeeding in getting a passport to leave East Germany. Siegfried Palm had heard me in East Germany and introduced my name to Felix Galimir and Rudolf Serkin; I was accepted after sending a…

Kathy Schuman, soprano/staff

From 1986 to 1993, I worked in Marlboro’s New York office, where my responsibilities included managing Musicians from Marlboro tours. Though I had not yet been to Marlboro when I worked on the first few tours, I already sensed the special camaraderie between the musicians and knew it must be a very unique place. In…

James Dunham, viola

Congratulations to one and all for the ever-increasing success of the Musicians from Marlboro series! Over the years, the range and depth of the many participating musicians and the repertoire they have explored is astonishing. The profound effect this has had upon musical life in the U.S. – and indeed, the world – is wonderful…

David Jolley, horn

It all seems like it was yesterday. I can’t believe it. Yet, when I actually start to summon up this memory and that, though, I realize how far back it all stretches—and I start to smile. In my dozen or so tours with Musicians from Marlboro, I learned so much from all my friends, my…

Kim Kashkashian, viola

Marlboro artistry and immense experience has lasted throughout my own musical life. We young musicians, some of whom have become lifelong friends and chamber music partners, also gained invaluable experience in how to deal with traveling and then performing nearly every day at important venues. Traveling alone can be lonely and stressful, but traveling with…

Marcy Rosen, cello

It is so hard to target the most special moments of being on tour with Musicians from Marlboro because each tour has been unique and extraordinary. Each program has been challenging and exciting and all of my colleagues have been utterly inspirational. Since I have had the honor and the privilege to take part in…

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