
2004-05 Tour Program III

  • String Quintet in B-flat Major, K. 174 (1773) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    (1756 - 1791)

    • Tai Murray, Violin
    • Frank Huang, Violin
    • Eric Nowlin, Viola
    • Samuel Rhodes, Viola
    • Efe Baltacigil, Cello
  • Melancholie, Op. 13 (1917-9) Paul Hindemith
    (1895 - 1963)

    • Hyunah Yu, Soprano
    • Tai Murray, Violin
    • Frank Huang, Violin
    • Samuel Rhodes, Viola
    • Efe Baltacigil, Cello

  • String Quintet in G Minor, K. 516 (1787) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    (1756 - 1791)

    • Frank Huang, Violin
    • Tai Murray, Violin
    • Samuel Rhodes, Viola
    • Eric Nowlin, Viola
    • Efe Baltacigil, Cello

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