
1994-95 Tour Program IV

  • String Quartet in F Major, Op. 50, No. 5, Hob. III:48 (1787) Joseph Haydn
    (1732 - 1809)

    • Naomi Katz, Violin
    • Scott St. John, Violin
    • Steven Tenenbom, Viola
    • Christopher Costanza, Cello
  • Il Tramonto (1914) Ottorino Respighi
    (1879 - 1936)

    • Mary Nessinger, Mezzo-Soprano
    • Scott St. John, Violin
    • Naomi Katz, Violin
    • Steven Tenenbom, Viola
    • Christopher Costanza, Cello
  • String Quintet in B-flat Major, Op. 87 (1845) Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
    (1809 - 1847)

    • Scott St. John, Violin
    • Naomi Katz, Violin
    • Ellen DePasquale, Viola
    • Steven Tenenbom, Viola
    • Christopher Costanza, Cello

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